Super Bowl 50: Best and Worst Dressed List

Yesterday was one of Fashion’s biggest events of the year: the Super Bowl!


This year’s event was played at fashion favourite Levi’s stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers (a team that was strangley not even invited to the event). It also marked the 50th anniversary of the Super Bowl itself and the 2nd anniversary of me actually watching it.

While I was disappointed the Red Carpet event was not televised, there were plenty of outfits to mock, judge, and criticize in this fashion mega-event of the year.

Top 5 Worst Dressed

1) The Carolina Panthers:


Proportion, proportion, proportion. Is it just me or do all of these guys look a bit top-heavy? Trying to balance out the volume on top with a light coloured pant didn’t work for me this time, boys, and the stripes down the side of the hips only attracts attention to problem areas.

2) The Denver Broncos


Orange as a highlight colour can be really effective. But when your whole squad shows up at the same event in the same tone? Too much of a good thing.
Also, I can’t help but notice that each member of the team has a different number on their jerseys – something the Panthers are guilty of as well – which begs the question: aren’t you all on a team? Where’s the consistency? Another disappointing choice.

3) Chris Martin


Hey Chris, did you forget you would be sharing a stage with Beyonce today? For me, this is a major miss from tie-dyed head to basketball shoe toe.  This is professional football, Chris, not a casual afternoon of “footy”.

4) Bruno Mars


Divisive call, I know, but this look just didn’t do it for me (although I applaud wearing Versace to an NFL event).
Isn’t that a baseball shirt? And a gold chain? Bruno, this is the Super Bowl, not the World Series.
For me, it was a bit too big league for the wrong sport, don’t you think?  A real swing and a miss.
You really struck out on this one.

5) The Super Bowl 50 Champions


This look says, “I won the Super Bowl and I all I got was this lousy t-shirt.”
Come on, NFL, a branded t-shirt? How riveting.
Where are the gold-lapel blazers? Where are the sequin vests and lamé tuxedo pants? Really missed an opportunity to “wow” here and frankly, it’s a disappointment.

Top Five Best Dressed

1) Lady Gaga


Gaga literally shines in this exquisite ensemble. The hair, the eyeshadow, the platform American-flag heels; it’s the perfect combination of professionalism, poise, and glitter. This look basically says, “America loves America and I’m going to kick this anthem’s fucking ass.” Amen, Gaga.

2) Beyoncé


Because obviously.
Perfection from head to toe, not to mention a tasteful homage to Michael Jackson in his Super Bowl heyday. Is there anything this Queen can’t do?

3) Beyoncé’s back-up dancers


These girls have one hell of a fearless leader and used this opportunity to send a powerful political message: high-waisted short shorts aren’t going anywhere. They’re here, they’re high, get used to it. You do not want to fuck with this squad.


4) This Guy


Not sure who he is but he’s an MVP or something. That’s beside the point.
The point is he brought his A game to the big game and this look is boss.
Most Valuable Player? Try Most Valuable Dresser.
This is what the NFL should have handed out to the Champion team instead of those lame t-shirts.

5) Clete Blakeman, Referee


It’s a myth that vertical stripes make the body appear slimmer; the truth is that vertical stripes are very difficult to wear without looking like a circus tent. In these instances, more often than not, the “dress wears you.”
However, this dreamy first-time Super Bowl official (#HotRef) pulled off this tricky look with ease as he clearly has control of this outfit. The edgy, geometric hand jewelry make a bold but effective accessory choice and I foresee many best-dressed lists for this poised up-and-comer.

I hope you liked my picks for this year’s fashion event of the season! Feel free to comment on who you think wore it best (or worst!) and see you in the off-season!


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